
I would love to hear from you, any questions pertaining to the radio shows,  a guest you would like to hear from, topics you would like to see discussed, comments on any of the articles just drop me a line and  ASK SARA.

Sara Troy. 

Information on hosting your own show or being a guest on mine drop me a line.

                    To contact Sara personally re The Art of Positive Living                      


Sara’s View of Life radio show,

Please do write and give me topics you want me to cover. 

Through the years I have picked up wisdom’s taught to me by life’s experiences and other teachings and I have many tools for us to use in understanding our lives, our inner selves and our divine purpose, but mostly in discovering our S.E.L.F  a  Soul who is Empowered by Loving Fulfilment and who trust their Knowingness.    


I am the Discover of SE.L.F  
So if you have a question for me or any questions re my shows, articles or your divineness. 
Just ask Sara and I will give you my honest perspective on the question from my understandings.