International Women’s Day

Everyday is women’s day.

Women, we grow life within our bellies, we seed growth within our children dreams, we grow support for all those we love and befriend, we believe in the impossible but are sensible is our actions, we come from caring, kindness, and love, for we believe in life in community, in each other, we are women and we are capable of anything and we are in action of building a future that will serve the all of humanity.
Do not get in our way MEN instead join us, for we have a mission and that is to water the seeds of possibility’s of loving growth and we are making it happen right now. We are women, we are kindness, we are love.

Sara Troy

About Sara Troy

As a Soul Awakener, I see and feel the spirit of a soul and feel the heart, we are amazing people if we embrace our Ture S.E.L.F
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