Shaken but not stirred.

My thoughts are pure, my positive belief in check, direction that I am going in feels great, and so why am I so anxious? Is it years of uphill climbing or perpetual misdirects that is keeping me so shaky? We have been through a lot, so many obstacles so many redirects, and even though we feel beaten and trodden on, we get up and keep going because where else are we to go but forward and onward!
This undying belief that this technology must and will be developed and the no doubt to why it has to be, is so strong that whenever we are knocked down we just get back up again. This last redirect was a hard one, a necessary one but a hard one. It shocked my partner up a lot and his reaction scarred me and tightened my insides even more, we can take only so much some thing has to give. He is OK now but he can’t take any more redirects either, he is brilliant creative and incredible, but unwilling and unable to take the bull anymore. I know that I am the strength in this working relationship, but where do I refuel? I am driving on empty and with no energy station in sight.
Maybe this is why I am constantly shaking, why I can’t sleep and why my fibromyalgia is screaming at me. My head tells me it is ok and that we are back on track and going in a more solid direction, and we are, this last redirect was indeed a blessing because we had gone so far of track we were derailed. We now have an investor that believes in us and a business package that is visual and informational with a proper offering so we are ready for the next round of investment. So why am I still shaking?
I don’t think my body can take this trauma any more, my mind yes it just gets pissed and spins into action, but my soul and spirit have taken such a beating that I hurt and find it hard to work through the pain. I will push through it, I always do, and I will succeed because I am meant to, but oh boy I wish it did not physically hurt so much.
Maybe because I am getting older and the body just does not like it any more or maybe my health barriers are winning this round. Whatever it is I will overcome maybe I need some help like a massage some energy healing to calm my inside down so I can get on with things. Yes that sounds good, so when the budget allows I will seek some body help so I can move forward without complaint.
In the meantime, I will focus on what has to be done, raising investment so that we can move forward. We are going to the University of Texas for testing once our new model is done, and provisional patent is almost done (THE Utility patent will be finished once testing results are back) and we have a very good direction to go in ahead of us, so feel really right about that. Mind over matter right! Just speak to the body and tell it to focus and quit moaning and get on with it. Ok deep breath, invite the Gods in to guide and heal me and walk forward in my belief and in my positive action. OK.
We hope to be in Seattle for the Sea fest in July, and we hope that we will be meeting possible co-developers, JV, and investors. But we will take a couple of days to just chill enjoy some life around us and remember what living is all about, taking it all in with wonderment and excitement. It has been so long since we had a break and took time to smell the roses, so if all goes well, July in Seattle we will take that much needed time to breathe and repair our souls, spirits and energy’s.
So onward and upwards, Cyclzone Modular Enteric Motor moves forward towards its destiny with undying belief and tenacity, we hope that we meet people along the way that are as stocked as we are and join this journey in supporting and developing such an incredible sustainable technology.
We are building a new site where serious interested parties can download the presentation and see for themselves just what this technology really means and why it is so needed. If you want to see what drives us with such commitment forward then look at the site and see what we mean to the world and future sustainable technologies, I believe you will be excited also and understand why that no matter what we are driven to move forward.
Keep the faith.
Sara Towe

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