Well no body thought he could do it but Bill got me camping out of the van. It a 1996 dodge sports caravan and with the seats down and enough padding it is quite cozy, Bill Kokomo the dog all cosy in the van.
We went up to Bunsen Lake, and stayed in the Anmore camp grounds were it has rained for most of the week. We were all right, snug in our bed, it is when you have to venture out for a pee that it get hairy, sloshing across the camp ground to the bathroom or squatting behind the car, one does get wet.
When it is not raining laying in the car with the windows open listen to the humming birds and watching them jump from tree to tree and all that fresh air pouring in arhhhh so relaxing. So nice just to get away and re build our selves and our lives, time out from life and doing some thing you thought you would never do ever is quite invigorating and renewing.
The campground is old, in a lovely location, but has not been updated in a long time. The people running it Linda and Gary are trying to restore it, he works hard but I think that neither of them are peoples people unless you are what they think is expectable. We are not those people, we are a middle-aged couple in transition in life, don’t know where we are going but walking that way any way. We have been up to our eyeballs in shit for some time now, and just regrouping and looking at life from the outside is refreshing. But this couple feels it is their business to place a judgement on us for we do not fit into the norm of campers. The camp would be great but for that and oh yes and the fact the internet does not work most of the time, and you have to go into the laundry room to work on you computer, and the fact all the other facilities are not open to us even though they advertise themselves open all year round.We here that the owner wants to run the place down so he can develop the land into expensive homes, would be a shame as there is no their camp ground with miles and it is serving a national park, I do hope that it does not happen, the locals do not want to lose the place, but are tired of the complaints from campers about the people running it. Other than that, the air and the mountains are fabulous, and if you ignored them it was great.
We did meet some great people at the camp and across the road at the local store were they serve great coffee and friendly smiles. We meet a couple from Germany with their kids, a couple of young men also from Germany travelling through, a local guy who loves to camp and hike near by, and Chris a resident at the camp ground who not only is friendly but also takes beautiful pictures. They all made are stay worth while.
Every night we play rummy, we are at 5 games to 3 me winning of cause. We listen to music and just let our selves drift. I understand why people camp now, the feeling of just removing ones self from every day life and just being is really good for one. But the lumps in the make sift bed are catching up to us and the snide remakes from you know who. So Friday we go to White Rock and rent a place week-by-week basis right by the doggy beach so another adventures to have.
Business seems to has changed also, instead of us chasing people we are suddenly meeting people who want to help and getting calls from Austria. Removing our selves from the rut seems to have changed our energy for the better, so we will stay out of the city and stay near nature for a while longer so that out souls and spirits can renew and our view of life can change for the better.
So been down and out is not the end of life, it is just a change of direction. Go with the flow, walk with the Gods, walk and take time to smell feel and live life, because we have been letting it pass us by for far to long.
Life is for feeling, for communicating, for experiencing so now I dance the dance of life, and what is meant to come will.
Live and let it all go, you will be surprised what will come.
Smiles every one.
Sara Towe
p.s we are off to White Rock a block away from the doggy beach, that’s are next adventure.