She believed in me.

Sara Troy,

When I first met Sara, she blew me away with the prediction that I would soon walk away from my government job of 20 years and start my own enterprise. Call me a bit sceptical; a definite, yes.

I play life safely and follow the rules, pay my bills and take care of my family. Like the little hamster on the tread-wheel of life; I do not have grandiose visions of fame and fortune, that’s for the young.

Well last year, I fell ill, came home from work one day and have not returned since.

Sara, has supported me and kicked my behind (when needed)… throughout my depression and my daughter’s illnesses. She has introduced me to new ideas and people who have a similar vision and passion for health, life and spiritual growth. Her radio show truly shows how well-spoken she is and her personal charisma and vitality. Sara’s choices of guests are always entertaining and I’ve never heard an episode where I haven’t learned something new.

I am slowly recovering and regaining my passion for life through what I know is my Soul Purpose or DIVA. Through this journey will challenge my relationships and me, I am prepared to leave behind those that do not share my passion and dream. Building the `Spirit Butterfly` healing centre for our broken & lost daughters… is my legacy and what I stand for.

Sara`s warm smile embraces people and invites them in like and old friend in a familiar place.

What sets her apart from others with many similar gifts is that she authentically wants to reach out to help others regardless of any personal gain.

She is truly a spirit guide embodied in human form and I am honoured to call her my friend and soul-sister.


Paulina Willems

                                   Whatever you are looking for can only be found inside of you.

                                                                                                                                                                         – Rumi

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